Calamos Strategic Total Return Fund Shares Dip Below Key Moving Average
In trading on Thursday, shares of **Calamos Strategic Total Return Fund** (Symbol: **CSQ**) fell below their 200-day moving average of **$17.33**, reaching a low of **$17.31** per share. Currently, CSQ shares are down approximately **1.2%** for the day. The accompanying chart illustrates the one-year performance of CSQ in relation to its 200-day moving average:
Examining the chart above, CSQ’s 52-week performance has shown a low of **$15.22** per share, while its 52-week high stands at **$18.55**. The most recent trade price of **$17.33** reflects a significant portion of this range.
Click here to find out which 9 other stocks recently crossed below their 200-day moving average »
also see:
- Funds Holding CLM
- GLTO Insider Buying
- Ingersoll Rand Average Annual Return
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