
March 18, 2024

Ron Finklestien

American Rare Earths confirms Wyoming project potential

American Rare Earths Unveils Promising Undertakings in Wyoming

Reshaping the Landscape: Wyoming’s Rare Earth Potential

Amidst the rugged terrain and unspoiled beauty of Wyoming, a glimmer of economic promise shines through. American Rare Earths, in partnership with independent firm Stantec Consulting Services, unveils a blueprint rich in potential. Delving into the bowels of the earth, the scoping study reveals a tantalizing proposition – a three million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) operating scenario.

Tangible Gains: Financial Prospects and Strategic Insights

Laden with economic insights, the report showcases a net present value (NPV) dancing to the tune of $673.9 million at an 8% discount rate. A captivating figure, poised to allure even the most seasoned of investors. The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 22.5% adds another layer of allure, crafting a narrative of fiscal prudence and investment viability.

As the payback period sketches itself at 2.9 years, investors are poised on the cusp of a substantial return on their capital. With a total initial capital expenditure (capex) of $456.1 million, including a $76 million contingency, the path to financial prosperity seems palpably clear.

A Foundation of Strength: Rare Earths’ Role in Modern Society

The tale of rare earths extends far beyond financial gains, delving into the bedrock of our modern society. With their significance amplifying in the realm of the energy transition, these 17 minerals stand as linchpins in the construction of electric car batteries and wind turbines. A tapestry of innovation and sustainability, intertwined with the threads of national security, as they find their place in aerospace and defense applications.

Wyoming emerges as a pivotal player in this intricate dance, beckoning forth a new era of possibility. Positioned as America’s retort to China’s stronghold on the market, hopes run high on the wings of ambition. The Halleck Creek project, a jewel in the crown of Mining Intelligence’s top 10 rare earth projects, sets the stage for a tantalizing saga of exploration and resource extraction.

A Road Paved with Endeavor: Navigating the Path Ahead

As the dust settles on the scoping study for Halleck Creek, American Rare Earths sets its sights on the horizon. The acquisition of necessary licenses looms on the horizon, a crucial step in the journey towards material testing and pilot-scale metallurgical endeavors.

With unwavering resolve, the company gears up to craft a detailed baseline environmental plan, laying the groundwork for a sustainable future. Simultaneously, the rhythm of progress beats loudly, as a permit application to mine on state mineral leases takes shape, charting a course towards operational success.

A New Dawn: Redefining America’s Rare Earth Landscape

Against the backdrop of the only rare earth mine in operation on American soil – Mountain Pass in California – a new narrative unfolds. In contrast to the current paradigm, where material is sent to China for processing, American Rare Earths stands poised to redefine the rare earth landscape in the United States.

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