Dimensional US Small Cap ETF Shows Oversold Indicators
On Monday, shares of the Dimensional US Small Cap ETF (Symbol: DFAS) reached an oversold status, trading as low as $62.0655 each. Oversold territory is defined by the Relative Strength Index (RSI), a technical analysis tool that measures momentum on a scale from zero to 100. A stock is deemed oversold if its RSI falls below 30.
For DFAS, the RSI reading stood at 29.6. In comparison, the RSI for the S&P 500 is currently 39.7. A bullish investor might interpret the 29.6 RSI as an indication that recent selling pressure is waning, suggesting potential entry points for buy-side opportunities.
Examining DFAS’s one-year performance, its 52-week low is $57.3256 per share, while its high is $71.78. As of the last trade, DFAS shares were priced at $61.99, reflecting a decrease of approximately 2.6% on the day.
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