March 26, 2024

Ron Finklestien

Unveiling the Upward Surge: A Glimpse into ELS’s 3% Yield Territory

As we scour the stock universe, Equity Lifestyle Properties Inc (Symbol: ELS) emerges triumphant, breaching the 3% yield threshold on Tuesday. Grounded in a quarterly dividend sitting pretty at $1.91 annualized, the stock juggled hands for as little as $63.47. Dividends, dear investors, are the unsung heroes of returns. Over time, they have handed investors a tidy sum of the stock market’s gains. Let’s delve deeper.

Imagine, back on 5/31/2000, you forked out $78.27 for iShares Russell 3000 ETF (IWV) shares. Fast forward to 5/31/2012; each share waved a $77.79 tag, marking a $0.48 dive or a 0.6% loss in twelve years. But! Picture if you will, that you pocketed a dazzling $10.77 per share in dividends during the same spell. Kiss that return from 0.6% to a sweet 13.15% embrace! Even post-dividend reinvestment, that’s a humble 1.0% yearly return. Thus, a 3% yield beckons as an enticing offer if sustainable. After all, Equity Lifestyle Properties Inc (Symbol: ELS) cuddles the mighty Russell 3000, basking in the glow of being one of the top 3000 U.S. corporates.

Dividends, well, they dance to the tune of profitability’s rhythms at every firm. For Equity Lifestyle Properties Inc, a peek at the history chart below sheds light on the potential longevity of the latest dividend. It’s the crystal ball to forecast if a 3% yearly yield is a reasonable dream to hold onto. ELS+Dividend+History+Chart

Free Report: Top 8%+ Dividends (paid monthly)

Click here to discover the recent 9 other dividend stocks that have just hit the market shelves »

Further Readings:

• Stocks Conducting Buybacks That Hedge Funds Are Buying
• SVMK Videos
• ETFs Holding CIEN

The author’s views and opinions are solely theirs and do not necessarily align with those of Nasdaq, Inc.

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