
March 20, 2024

Ron Finklestien

Exploring Partnerships: Freeport Resources and the Yandera Copper Project Feasibility Study

Abundant Resources Unveiled

In a revelation akin to striking copper, the NI 43-101 report conducted by SRK Consulting in late 2016 for Era Resources highlighted measured and indicated resources at a staggering 728.6 million tonnes with a composition of 0.33% copper, 0.01% molybdenum, and 0.10 ppm gold. This treasure trove translates to a hefty 6.2 million lb. of copper equivalent. To add to the bounty, an inferred resource of 230.6 million tonnes rich in copper, molybdenum, and gold was also uncovered.

An Intriguing History Unearthed

The Yandera project’s roots delve deep into the annals of the late 1960s and 1970s, where various companies delved into intensive drilling activities. In a modern twist, Era Resources poured over $100 million into drilling approximately 144,000 meters to delineate the rich resources available. The narrative took a turn when Freeport took the helm of the Yandera project in 2021 through the acquisition of Carpo, the entity controlling Era Resources.

Plans for Prosperity

The Yandera resource stands as a testament to potential, boasting a known 5-km strike length within a 17-km trend. While the depths remain largely uncharted territory, Freeport has a grand vision in mind. The company aims to broaden the resource base and set the stage for an open pit mine. The ambitious blueprint includes a projected mine life extending over two decades, during which a remarkable 540 million tonnes of ore are anticipated to be excavated.

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