September 14, 2024

Ron Finklestien

Unveiling the Success Saga of SIL and URA ETFs Unveiling the Success Saga of SIL and URA ETFs

Silver Miners ETF Shines

When the closing bell rang this Friday, the Silver Miners ETF emerged as the star of the show, outperforming its counterparts with a remarkable surge of about 4.5% in a single trading day. Within this ETF, certain components sparkled brighter than the rest — shares of Coeur Mining enjoyed a lofty ascent of about 4.8%, while Hecla Mining witnessed a solid uptick of 3.7%.

Uranium ETF Dips

Contrasting the triumphant strides of the Silver Miners ETF, the Uranium ETF faltered in Friday’s afternoon trading, marking a decline of approximately 1.5%. Troubles brewed within this ETF, with specific components showing signs of distress on this fateful Friday. Shares of F3 Uranium took a significant hit, plummeting by around 5.8%, while Mega Uranium also felt the sting of losses, sinking by about 5.1%.

Friday's ETF Movers: SIL, URA
VIDEO: Friday’s ETF Movers: SIL, URA

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