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Join the Schall Law Firm’s Fraud Investigation for XBIT Investors in XBiotech Inc.

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Schall Law Firm Launches Investigation into XBiotech Inc. Amid Concerns Over Securities Violations

Investors face uncertainty following paused drug program.

The Schall Law Firm, a firm dedicated to protecting shareholder rights, is investigating XBiotech Inc. (“XBiotech” or “the Company”) XBIT over possible violations of securities laws.

This investigation aims to determine if the Company made false or misleading statements or neglected to disclose important information to investors. XBiotech disclosed on December 23, 2024, that it would pause the phase 2 program for its rheumatoid arthritis drug candidate, Natrunix. The reason cited for this suspension was that the program did not meet its primary endpoint. Notably, the Company mentioned experiencing “substantial irregularities” complicating the interpretation of findings from the trials.

Shareholders who have experienced losses may want to take part in this investigation. Click here to participate.

Additionally, those affected are encouraged to reach out to Brian Schall at the Schall Law Firm. He can be contacted at 2049 Century Park East, Suite 2460, Los Angeles, CA 90067, by phone at 310-301-3335, or via the firm’s website at www.schallfirm.com. Alternatively, inquiries can be sent to bschall@schallfirm.com.

The Schall Law Firm serves investors globally and focuses on securities class action lawsuits and litigation aimed at protecting shareholder rights.

This press release may qualify as Attorney Advertising in certain jurisdictions based on local laws and ethical guidelines.

The Schall Law Firm

Brian Schall, Esq.




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