Canadian potash manufacturer Nutrien admitted guilt in a provincial court in Moosomin on December 19, 2023, for breaching a health and safety regulation.
Nutrien was directed to pay a fine of C$142,857.14, along with a surcharge of C$57,142.86 for its negligence in ensuring “that any opening or hole in a floor or other work surface into which a worker could step or fall is covered,” according to a government statement.
The company violated a clause by “failing to install a covering that is capable of supporting a load of 360 kilograms per square meter and that is provided with a warning sign or permanent marking clearly indicating the nature of the hazard.”
Another charge against the company was withdrawn, as per the government’s announcement.
Rocanville, one of Nutrien’s six potash operations, is situated in Saskatchewan. Nutrien is currently the leading global producer of this vital crop input.