Articles for tag: AmericanEagleGetchellGoldminingMoonboundNationsPeopleroyaltyScorpioWesdome

May 27, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Mining People: Nations Royalty, Wesdome, American Eagle Gold, Getchell Gold, Moonbound, Scorpio Gold

Board changes: American Eagle Gold named Gordon Stothart to its board. Calibre Mining has a new board member; she is Omaya Elguindi. Getchell Gold appointed Michael Hobart to the board. Keiko Hattori was added to the board of Japan Gold. Laramide Resources nominated John Mays for a seat on the board as D. Scott Patterson is retiring at the next AGM. Moonbound Mining added James Lumley and Perry E. Toms to the board. Newterra Resources added Matthew Coltura to the board upon the resignation of Gerald Carlson. Scorpio Gold added William M. Sheriff to its board. Ashley Kirwan joined the

April 25, 2024

Ron Finklestien


BHP-Anglo American potential merger: It’s all about copper

An electrified world has become increasingly dependent on battery metals, particularly on copper, and BHP is, not surprisingly, eager to secure a leading position in the market. A tie-up would give the mining giant about 10% of the global copper production. It would also boost its presence in the world’s top copper producing countries Chile and Peru, as with the acquisition of Anglo American, BHP would gain access to three of the world’s largest copper mines — Collahuasi (with ownership of 44%), Los Bronces (50.1%), El Soldado (50.1%) and Quellaveco (60%). This would improve the company’s exposure to copper by

April 24, 2024

Ron Finklestien


American Battery updates assessment of Tonopah Flats lithium project, Nevada

Rather the figures comply with the U.S. S-K 1300, which the company says is “similar to a preliminary economic assessment”. The Tonopah Flats claystone is one of the largest lithium resources in the United States. The measured and indicated resource is 3.16 million tonnes averaging 596 ppm lithium and containing 11.4 million tonnes of lithium hydroxide monohydrate (LHM). The inferred resource is 2.93 billion tonnes averaging 550 ppm lithium, containing 21.2 million tonnes LHM. American Battery believes that over the 50-year mining period, about 540,000 tonnes of claystone will be treated annually. The company plans to use its own dilute

April 23, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Anglo American bullish on copper, cuts diamond targets

In Chile, where the company has the bulk of its copper operations, production rose 6%, with the Collahuasi and El Soldado mines more than compensating for a weaker quarter at Los Bronces. Anglo’s copper output for the year remained unchanged at 730,000-790,000 tonnes, but totals from its operations in Chile, the world’s top producing nation, are likely to be affected as the Los Bronces plant closes from the middle of the year.  Production in Peru will be weighted to the second half of the year, as a result of the copper grades temporarily declining to between 0.6%-0.7% in the first half of the

March 18, 2024

Ron Finklestien


American Rare Earths confirms Wyoming project potential

American Rare Earths Unveils Promising Undertakings in Wyoming Reshaping the Landscape: Wyoming’s Rare Earth Potential Amidst the rugged terrain and unspoiled beauty of Wyoming, a glimmer of economic promise shines through. American Rare Earths, in partnership with independent firm Stantec Consulting Services, unveils a blueprint rich in potential. Delving into the bowels of the earth, the scoping study reveals a tantalizing proposition – a three million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) operating scenario. Tangible Gains: Financial Prospects and Strategic Insights Laden with economic insights, the report showcases a net present value (NPV) dancing to the tune of $673.9 million at an

February 29, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Exploring the Depths: American Rare Earths Funds Halleck Creek Venture with $8.7 Million Infusion

Updated Mineral Resource Estimate American Rare Earths recently unveiled the latest mineral resource estimate for its Halleck Creek project in Wyoming. The figures showcase a substantial 64% increase in the in-situ tonnage, compared to the previous assessment conducted last autumn. Impressive Increase in TREO The updated resource estimate reveals a total of 2.34 billion tonnes of material, with a grading of 3,196 parts per million (ppm) total rare earth oxides (TREO), including neodymium (Nd) and praseodymium (Pr) oxides. This translates to 7.48 million tonnes of contained TREO, marking a significant upsurge. Among the estimated amount, 1.42 billion tonnes fall under

February 23, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Exploring the Future: Community Consultation Commences for Pan American Silver’s Escobal Mine

An Overview of the Past Turmoil Back in 2017, the tumultuous journey of Tahoe Resources took a sharp turn when operations at the Escobal mine abruptly came to a standstill. Guatemala’s Supreme Court wielded its gavel, suspending the mine license, catalyzed by a case filed by environment and human rights advocate CALAS against the Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEM). The allegation? The MEM had negated the pre-grant right of consultation with the local Indigenous communities before bequeathing Tahoe’s Guatemalan offshoot the Escobal mining license. A Stance of Resistance The ramifications of the court’s decision reverberated far and wide. Protesters