Articles for tag: AcquisitionassetDatamineexpandsManagementSamtechsolutions

April 22, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Datamine expands asset management solutions with Samtech acquisition

Stock image. Datamine is expanding its asset management solution offerings through parent company Vela’s acquisition of Samtech. Based in Santiago, Chile, Samtech is a supplier of fleet management, machine performance, and telematics software and hardware. Samtech serves a variety of industries including mining, construction, and rental fleets in the Latin American market.  Samtech’s fleet management solution enables deployment of a comprehensive management suite that combines operational, logistic, and administrative data. Sign Up for the Suppliers Digest

January 23, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Codelco’s Strategic Move into Lithium Market Codelco’s Strategic Move into Lithium Market

The Maricunga project, located within the so-called lithium triangle in northern Chile, is estimated to contain about 1.9 million tonnes of lithium carbonate equivalent (LCE). The transaction, which now only needs the Federal Court of Australia’s backing, is expected to conclude on Feb. 23, Codelco said. Chairman Máximo Pacheco expressed enthusiasm about the purchase, stating, “With this purchase, Codelco moves forward with its mandate of becoming leaders in the production of critical minerals for the energy transition.” Chile gave the copper giant a key role in the new public-private model for the sector, announced in April last year, which calls