Articles for tag: BayasChileancommunityfarmingGlencoresLomasrightstransferswater

January 21, 2024

Ron Finklestien


The Transformation of Glencore’s Lomas Bayas: Impact on Water Rights

Chile’s Loa River, extending 440 kilometers, holds distinction as the country’s longest waterway and the primary river in the Atacama Desert. Minera Lomas Bayas’ general manager, Pablo Carvallo, declared on social media, “This is a historic milestone representing our commitment to sustainable development. Our aim is to enhance the productivity and innovation of our production processes, responsibly and in sync with communities and the environment. Through this accord, we anticipate ameliorating living conditions in the Calama Oasis and contributing to the conservation of crucial ecosystems within our spheres of influence.” Carvallo underscored that relinquishing water rights signifies the company’s quest