Articles for tag: CatalystfuelgreenhelpsMolybdenumrutheniumproducewater

February 1, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Molybdenum-ruthenium catalyst helps produce green fuel from water

Molybdenum-ruthenium catalyst revolutionizes green fuel production from water Revolutionizing Green Fuel: The Power of Molybdenum-ruthenium Catalyst The new process of generating, as opposed to procuring, hydrogen is a breakthrough that is turning heads in the field of alternative energy. A research team led by Young-Kyu Han and Jitendra N. Tiwari has successfully implanted ruthenium oxide into a two-dimensional molybdenum carbide, thereby developing a catalyst (Mo2TiC2Tx MXene) capable of high mass activity, turnover frequency, and durability. This pioneering catalyst marries molecular hydrogen and oxygen, effectively birthing the chemical energy storage – a feat crucial in mitigating global energy challenges. Unprecedented Efficiency