Articles for tag: claimsColossusearthrarerecordrecoveryViridisworld

April 19, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Viridis Mining Achieves Unprecedented Rare Earth Recovery Milestone at Colossus Project

Colossus Concessions Reach New Heights in Rare Earth Recovery Source: Viridis Mining & Minerals Viridis Mining has recently achieved a groundbreaking milestone with the Colossus project, showcasing exceptional recovery rates of rare earth elements. The Cupim South concession notably reached a remarkable 67% average recovery of neodymium and praseodymium, setting a new benchmark. Following closely behind, the northern concessions demonstrated an impressive 63% recovery rate. Additionally, Capão da Onça and Ribeirão displayed significant recoveries of Nd and Pr, averaging at 59%. For dysprosium and terbium, the northern concessions excelled with an average recovery of 65%. Cupim South also showcased commendable

March 19, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Rebuttal Unveiled: Teck Denies Allegations on Elk Valley Cleanup Costs

Long-Standing Selenium Woes Haunt Teck For Teck, the specter of selenium – a naturally occurring fish-toxic element – seeping from waste rock piles surrounding its coal mines has lingered ominously for decades. The repercussions of this environmental hazard are grave yet multifaceted. Teck Counters Accusations In response to Reuters, Teck vehemently disputed the estimates put forth by Wildsight, dismissing them as flawed and incongruent with British Columbia government guidelines. Dale Steeves, Teck’s director of stakeholder relations, stood by the company’s assertions, highlighting discrepancies in the calculations proposed by the environmental group. Financial Figures under Scrutiny The report, authored by consulting