April 19, 2024
Viridis Mining Achieves Unprecedented Rare Earth Recovery Milestone at Colossus Project
Colossus Concessions Reach New Heights in Rare Earth Recovery Source: Viridis Mining & Minerals Viridis Mining has recently achieved a groundbreaking milestone with the Colossus project, showcasing exceptional recovery rates of rare earth elements. The Cupim South concession notably reached a remarkable 67% average recovery of neodymium and praseodymium, setting a new benchmark. Following closely behind, the northern concessions demonstrated an impressive 63% recovery rate. Additionally, Capão da Onça and Ribeirão displayed significant recoveries of Nd and Pr, averaging at 59%. For dysprosium and terbium, the northern concessions excelled with an average recovery of 65%. Cupim South also showcased commendable