Articles for tag: AmericanconfirmsEarthspotentialprojectrareWyoming

March 18, 2024

Ron Finklestien


American Rare Earths confirms Wyoming project potential

American Rare Earths Unveils Promising Undertakings in Wyoming Reshaping the Landscape: Wyoming’s Rare Earth Potential Amidst the rugged terrain and unspoiled beauty of Wyoming, a glimmer of economic promise shines through. American Rare Earths, in partnership with independent firm Stantec Consulting Services, unveils a blueprint rich in potential. Delving into the bowels of the earth, the scoping study reveals a tantalizing proposition – a three million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) operating scenario. Tangible Gains: Financial Prospects and Strategic Insights Laden with economic insights, the report showcases a net present value (NPV) dancing to the tune of $673.9 million at an

February 29, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Exploring the Depths: American Rare Earths Funds Halleck Creek Venture with $8.7 Million Infusion

Updated Mineral Resource Estimate American Rare Earths recently unveiled the latest mineral resource estimate for its Halleck Creek project in Wyoming. The figures showcase a substantial 64% increase in the in-situ tonnage, compared to the previous assessment conducted last autumn. Impressive Increase in TREO The updated resource estimate reveals a total of 2.34 billion tonnes of material, with a grading of 3,196 parts per million (ppm) total rare earth oxides (TREO), including neodymium (Nd) and praseodymium (Pr) oxides. This translates to 7.48 million tonnes of contained TREO, marking a significant upsurge. Among the estimated amount, 1.42 billion tonnes fall under