Articles for tag: AMECanadaCentreCorporationdevelopmentFinningMobileNationTahltanTrainingunveil

January 24, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Tahltan Nation Development Corporation and Finning Canada Launch Innovative Mobile Training Centre Tahltan Nation Development Corporation and Finning Canada Launch Innovative Mobile Training Centre

The introduction of the Mobile Training Centre marks a significant milestone for the Tahltan Nation Development Corporation (TNDC) and Finning Canada. This pioneering 44-foot trailer is designed to house four simulators, each with its own operator training program. The simulators cater to a range of heavy equipment, including articulated trucks, dozers, loaders, and excavators. Moreover, plans are underway for the development of an additional program to further enrich the learning experience. Within the confines of the Red Chris mine, situated in the Tahltan Nation’s traditional territory, the Mobile Training Centre is poised to provide unparalleled flexibility by facilitating relocation to