Articles for tag: AmericanassessmentbatteryflatslithiumNevadaprojectTonopahupdates

April 24, 2024

Ron Finklestien


American Battery updates assessment of Tonopah Flats lithium project, Nevada

Rather the figures comply with the U.S. S-K 1300, which the company says is “similar to a preliminary economic assessment”. The Tonopah Flats claystone is one of the largest lithium resources in the United States. The measured and indicated resource is 3.16 million tonnes averaging 596 ppm lithium and containing 11.4 million tonnes of lithium hydroxide monohydrate (LHM). The inferred resource is 2.93 billion tonnes averaging 550 ppm lithium, containing 21.2 million tonnes LHM. American Battery believes that over the 50-year mining period, about 540,000 tonnes of claystone will be treated annually. The company plans to use its own dilute

March 27, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Unlocking Chile’s Potential: A New Era of Lithium Exploration Unlocking Chile’s Potential: A New Era of Lithium Exploration

The Chilean government has announced plans to open 26 lithium salt flats to private companies, initiating a tender process in April that is slated to conclude by July. The initiative is expected to result in the development of three to four new projects by 2026. Among these, the Atacama and Maricunga salt flats, deemed strategically important and currently under state-controlled partnerships, hold a collective lithium potential of 10.8 million tonnes, representing a significant portion of global reserves at 64%. According to mineral expert José Cabello of consulting firm Mineralium, an additional 3.3 million tonnes of lithium could be unlocked from