Articles for tag: AntinosfoundershighgradelinksSurinamezones

January 19, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Exploring the Exciting Findings of Founders in Suriname Exploring the Exciting Findings of Founders in Suriname

Founders Metals has made an electrifying discovery in Suriname, cutting through high-grade zones that have sent ripples through the mining world. The company achieved remarkable results, with highlights such as 10.5 meters grading at 2.81 grams of gold per tonne from 14.1 meters down the hole. These incredible finds are set to revolutionize the economic outlook, with President and CEO Colin Padget expressing excitement over the near-surface gold intervals that could enhance the potential for an open-pit mining scenario. Targeting a resource estimate for next year, Founders is poised to challenge the dominance of Newmont’s Merian and Zijin Mining’s Rosebel