Articles for tag: batteryBécancourbreaksgraphitegroundMaterialMondeNouveauplantQuebec

April 20, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Revolutionizing the Battery Material Industry: Nouveau Monde Graphite’s Major Expansion

Shaking Up the Graphite Market China’s recent move to tighten export regulations on graphite products has sent ripples through the global market. As the world’s leading graphite producer and exporter, China holds a significant influence over the supply chain. With more than 90% of the world’s graphite refined by China for electric vehicle (EV) battery anodes, this new export permit requirement showcases a strategic move to maintain dominance in global manufacturing. The North American Perspective Concerns over the scarcity of graphite supply in North America are escalating as the Lac des Iles mine in Quebec faces depletion. With a demand

January 31, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Northern Graphite’s Groundbreaking Launch of Battery Materials Group Northern Graphite’s Groundbreaking Launch of Battery Materials Group

CEO Hugues Jacquemin heralded a pivotal move for Northern as the company announced the launch of the NGC Battery Materials Group. Northern, renowned for its Lac des Iles mine in Quebec, stands as the sole graphite producer in North America. Amidst escalating geopolitical significance of graphite underscored by China’s announcement of stringent export controls in November, the strategic move by Northern looms large. China, as the world’s premier graphite producer and exporter, refines over 90% of the material crucial for electric vehicle batteries and various green energy technologies. The NGC Battery Materials Group, which will be operated and financed by