Articles for tag: AlamosAtacamaCondorGoldJapanminingPasofinoPeopleSilverVizsla

April 19, 2024

Ron Finklestien


The Mining Industry: New Faces and Board Updates at Condor, Alamos Gold, Atacama, Japan Gold, Vizsla Silver, Pasofino Gold, and 1911 Gold

A Fresh Start at Condor Resources: Welcoming Chris Buncic as the new CEO and president marks a significant chapter in the company’s journey towards growth and innovation. Japan Gold’s Strategic Move: With the appointment of Alexia Helgason as VP of corporate communications, the company reinforces its commitment to effective communication strategies and stakeholder engagement. Mayfair Gold’s Technical Expertise: Richard Klue’s new role as VP of technical services underscores the company’s focus on enhancing operational efficiency and technical excellence. Stelmine Canada’s Leadership Transition: Christian de Saint-Rome’s interim appointment as president and CEO sets the stage for strategic decision-making and organizational development.

February 1, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Japan’s Strategic Move: Recognizing Uranium as Critical Mineral

The Significance of Japan’s Stance Japan’s acknowledgement of uranium as a critical mineral in the wake of Fukushima accident exhibits a strategic move. The country, despite having no domestic production and relying solely on imports from countries such as Australia, Canada, and Kazakhstan, has recognized the imperative nature of securing its uranium supply. Building Resilience through Inclusion The inclusion of uranium in Japan’s critical minerals list is poised to be a groundbreaking step. This acknowledgment is set to fortify Japan’s ability to allocate more funds and resources toward uranium-related research and development, thus strengthening its endeavors to ensure a stable