Articles for tag: BritishColumbiaconvergeCopperjuniorsTerritoriesYukon

April 26, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Copper juniors converge in British Columbia, Yukon Territories

Juniors are extremely important to major mining companies because they are the firms finding the deposits that will become the next mines. In this way, juniors help the majors to replace the ore that they are constantly depleting in their operating mines. Where to look? BC and the Yukon The mining industry is on the hunt for large copper deposits that have favorable grades and are in locations amenable to mine developments. Over 80% of the world’s copper production comes from large-scale open-pit porphyry copper mines. In Canada, British Columbia enjoys the lion’s share of porphyry copper/ gold mineralization. These

February 18, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Canadian Mining Industry Update Canadian Mining Industry: Mixed Fortunes for Juniors Ahead of PDAC

It’s a difficult time for the junior mining exploration companies in Canada. According to Jeff Killeen, policy and program director for PDAC, there hasn’t been a single financing above C$125 million on the TSX Venture Exchange in the past year. Deals at the C$200 million level were once common, but are now a rarity. The struggles are not limited to the actual availability of capital but also concern the size of deals being made, as Killeen highlighted in a recent interview. The figures paint a stark contrast with the past, where the TSX Venture Exchange used to be a bustling