Articles for tag: hydroxidejoinslistlithiumMetsosPlanetpositiveprocesssustainabletechnologies

March 21, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Metso’s Groundbreaking Lithium Hydroxide Process makes Strides Towards Eco-Friendly Innovations

Revolutionizing the Lithium Extraction Process Innovations in eco-friendly technology continue to shape the landscape of industrial processes. Metso’s sustainable lithium hydroxide process stands at the forefront of this movement, offering a breakthrough in the extraction of lithium with high yield while minimizing inert and neutral mineral residue. This unique approach not only streamlines production but also significantly reduces pollution to air, water, and soil. Environmental Impact Assessment Recent studies have highlighted the reduced environmental impact of Metso’s alkaline leach process compared to conventional technologies. Through a comprehensive life cycle impact assessment (LCIA), the process has shown remarkable reductions in water

February 1, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Japan’s Strategic Move: Recognizing Uranium as Critical Mineral

The Significance of Japan’s Stance Japan’s acknowledgement of uranium as a critical mineral in the wake of Fukushima accident exhibits a strategic move. The country, despite having no domestic production and relying solely on imports from countries such as Australia, Canada, and Kazakhstan, has recognized the imperative nature of securing its uranium supply. Building Resilience through Inclusion The inclusion of uranium in Japan’s critical minerals list is poised to be a groundbreaking step. This acknowledgment is set to fortify Japan’s ability to allocate more funds and resources toward uranium-related research and development, thus strengthening its endeavors to ensure a stable