Articles for tag: annuallyCopperdemandGloballargemeetminesonlinestudy

May 22, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Six new large mines need to come online annually by 2050 to meet global copper demand – study

This is particularly the case taking into account that the Inflation Reduction Act, signed into law in 2022, calls for 100% of cars manufactured to be electric vehicles by 2035. But an electric vehicle requires three to five times as much copper as an internal combustion engine vehicle — not to mention the copper required for upgrades to the electric grid. “A normal Honda Accord needs about 40 pounds of copper. The same battery electric Honda Accord needs almost 200 pounds of copper. Onshore wind turbines require about 10 tons of copper, and in offshore wind turbines, that amount can

February 4, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Argentinian-German Collaboration: Navigating Critical Minerals Argentinian-German Collaboration: Navigating Critical Minerals

High-level officials from Argentina and Germany recently engaged in a pivotal discussion centered on critical minerals. The Argentinian delegation, led by the Secretary of Mining and accompanied by the governors, engaged in a meaningful dialogue with 15 deputies from the German Chamber of Deputies’ Economic Affairs Commission. Indeed, the German representatives displayed a noteworthy interest in the exploration and production of critical minerals, such as copper and lithium, in Argentine territory. The discourse predominantly revolved around the pivotal role that Argentina can play in the global energy transition, particularly concerning the EU as the block moves toward supplier diversification, highlighting