Articles for tag: batteryelectricminesOnedaysafetysymposiumvehicle

February 6, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Empowering EV Safety at Mines Symposium Empowering EV Safety at Mines Symposium

A stellar lineup of industry speakers is set to headline the one-day symposium on battery electric vehicle (BEV) safety in mining operations. The event, now in its fourth year, promises to offer vital insights and best practices for managing the growing usage of electric vehicles in the mining sector. Notable Speakers The symposium will feature presentations by distinguished personalities including George Pirie, Ontario Minister of Mines; Norm Ladouceur, corporate manager of health and safety at Agnico Eagle Mines; David Lyon, president of Zero Nexus; and Anthony Griffiths, manager of business development at MacLean Engineering. Additionally, Gertjan Bekkers, VP of mines