Articles for tag: arbitrationGabrieloutcomeResourcesshareSurgeunrelated

February 2, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Gabriel Resources: A Tale of Unresolved Arbitration and Market Surge

The Historical Context Hailing from a historical mining district that dates back to pre-Roman times, Gabriel Resources’ Roșia Montană project shines with the promise of being one of the largest undeveloped gold deposits in Europe. The project reveals a substantial mineral reserve base where 10.1 million oz. of gold and 47.6 million oz. of silver reside, nestled within 215 million tonnes with average grades of 1.46 g/t gold and 6.88 g/t silver. The Turmoil and Rejection The proposed open-pit mine faced a storm of protests in 2013, forcing the Romanian government to set its face against the project by denying