
Tag: report

E-haul trucks could result in major savings for miners but adoption is slow – report

Yet, the document points out that miners worry about the size and cost of haul truck batteries, as well as about the fact that they will need multiple replacements within a 10-year window. “The large batteries needed for electric haul trucks have perhaps been the...

JP Morgan, UBS led all mining M&A financial advisers by value in Q1 – report

Aurojyoti Bose, lead analyst at GlobalData, said their involvement in the $2.2 billion Alcoa-Alumina M&A deal helped these two firms top the chart by value. They were followed by Bank of America with $1.7 billion, while Goldman Sachs and Jefferies jointly occupied the fourth position, each...

The Environmental Impact of Congo’s Copper and Cobalt Mines

Local Communities Struggle Amidst Toxicity Residents living near Congo's copper and cobalt mines are facing dire consequences from water contamination. Skin ailments are prevalent, with particular concern for the health of children. Severe Economic Hardships and Health Challenges A staggering 99% of respondents reported reduced crop...

The Glowing Future of Global Uranium Production

Recovery and Expansion In 2023, Kazakhstan held the torch for global uranium production, contributing 37.3% of the total supply. Despite a slight dip in output, mainly due to planned reductions by Kazatomprom,...

British Columbia Coalfields: A Promising Source of Critical Minerals British Columbia...

Exploring British Columbia's Potential Role in Critical Mineral Supply Arca...

Merger Talks Spark as Rare Earth Market Fluctuates Merger Talks Spark...

Amidst a volatile rare earth market, both Lynas, based in Western Australia, and MP Materials, operating from California's Mountain Pass, have been grappling with daunting...