Articles for tag: AyaGoldoptimismrisesSilverZgounder

November 19, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Aya Gold & Silver Gains Momentum on Zgounder Prospects Despite Third Quarter Shortfall

Zgounder Silver Mine Faces Setbacks, but Aya Gold Signals Turnaround Ahead Production Guidance Adjusted Amid Operational Hurdles According to CEO Benoit La Salle, Aya Gold experienced unexpected challenges at the Zgounder mine, such as issues with the commissioning of the ball mill. These setbacks have postponed some operational milestones to the fourth quarter, leading to a revised 2024 production guidance of 1.6 to 1.8 million ounces of silver. Looking Forward: Commercial Production on Track La Salle expressed optimism, stating, “These temporary setbacks are now behind us, and our team is on track to deliver commercial production at Zgounder before year-end.”

January 26, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Alphamin’s Expanding Tin Output and New Mine Production in 2023

Consistent Growth in Tin Output Alphamin has reported a surge in tin production in its latest results release, with the initial development of Mpama South completed on schedule. This accomplishment in underground development has ensured a robust base of mineral resources ahead of the processing plant’s commissioning, paving the way for a swift increase in tin production. Further Progress on Processing Plant The company has announced the near-completion of mechanical erection and installation at the processing plant. The remaining work mainly involves the installation of electrical cabling, instrumentation, and final plant commissioning. However, logistical setbacks due to poor inbound road