Articles for tag: CoeurmetricsminingoperatingriseRochestersharesstrong

September 15, 2024

Ron Finklestien


An Uphill Climb: Coeur Mining Gains Ground with Strong Operating Metrics at Rochester

As the sun rises on Coeur Mining’s horizon, the company is making steady strides towards its operational targets at the Rochester mine. The goal is ambitious – to churn out 7 to 8 million tonnes per quarter by the second half of 2024, alongside hitting a production mark of 4.8 to 6.6 million oz. of silver and 37,000 to 50,000 oz. of gold for the full year. This triumph has not gone unnoticed in the markets. Coeur Mining’s shares surged by a noteworthy 15.47% by 12:14 a.m. EDT, painting a rosy picture for investors in the company with a market