Articles for tag: AmericanEagleGetchellGoldminingMoonboundNationsPeopleroyaltyScorpioWesdome

May 27, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Mining People: Nations Royalty, Wesdome, American Eagle Gold, Getchell Gold, Moonbound, Scorpio Gold

Board changes: American Eagle Gold named Gordon Stothart to its board. Calibre Mining has a new board member; she is Omaya Elguindi. Getchell Gold appointed Michael Hobart to the board. Keiko Hattori was added to the board of Japan Gold. Laramide Resources nominated John Mays for a seat on the board as D. Scott Patterson is retiring at the next AGM. Moonbound Mining added James Lumley and Perry E. Toms to the board. Newterra Resources added Matthew Coltura to the board upon the resignation of Gerald Carlson. Scorpio Gold added William M. Sheriff to its board. Ashley Kirwan joined the

April 24, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Gold Royalty, Taurus Mining Royalty enter three-year co-investment partnership

The agreement provides a framework for cooperation and communication amongst the parties in the identification and evaluation of potential co-investment opportunities, a statement from Gold Royalty said. Each party will have the right to invest between 25% and 50% in select asset transactions with a value of $30 million or more, the royalty firm said, adding that future dispositions of interests acquired by either party through this arrangement will be subject to rights of first offer. John Griffith, chief development officer of Gold Royalty, said this agreement would offer the company an enhanced access to new and complementary geographic regions.