Articles for tag: BHPdealdisasterMarianaSamarcoseekVale

April 24, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Vale, BHP, and Samarco seek new deal on Mariana disaster

The collapse of the dam in Mariana left 19 dead when approximately 40 million cubic meters of mining waste destroyed communities and contaminated the Doce River.  It was the biggest environmental disaster ever in Brazil. Negotiations for reparation for the environmental disaster resumed this week after the Brazilian government and the states rejected the value of R$40 billion ($7.75 billion) offered by the companies in December. The government and the states are demanding approximately R$120 billion ($23.3 billion). To this day, none of the 12 lawsuits regarding the disaster have been judged. According to the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office (MPF), the

April 23, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Rio, Eramet seek winning Chile’s lithium mining tech deals

“It is crucial for Enami to learn about processes that contribute to the creation of projects with the lowest possible environmental impact,” the ore-processing company said in a statement. “We seek to collaborate in the construction of a sustainable future, where the production of critical minerals plays a key role in the energy transition and development,” it added. Enami will now consider carrying out tests with one or more of the bidding companies, it said.  The Chilean miner is one of two entities assigned to represent the state under President Gabriel Boric’s new public-private model for tapping the country’s lithium reserves,