Articles for tag: lithiumpointpyriteresearcherssource

April 20, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Unlocking the Potential: Pyrite Emerges as a Promising Source of Lithium

Exploring a New Frontier While traditional literature neglected the connection between lithium and sulphur-rich pyrite, the world of electrochemistry and engineering is already eyeing the potential of lithium-sulphur batteries to outshine their lithium-ion counterparts. A dedicated team led by Bhattacharya set out on a mission to fathom the mysterious relationship between lithium and pyrite, unearthing a surprising revelation along the way. Discovering Hidden Treasures The researchers stumbled upon the possibility of enhanced lithium recovery from organic-rich shale due to the enthralling interplay between lithium and pyrite, challenging the conventional wisdom surrounding lithium extraction. Intriguingly, their investigation led them to ponder

February 2, 2024

Ron Finklestien


British Columbia Coalfields: A Promising Source of Critical Minerals British Columbia coalfields could become critical minerals source – report

Exploring British Columbia’s Potential Role in Critical Mineral Supply Arca Climate Technologies, New Gold Inc., and Geoscience BC, with program support from the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Low Carbon Innovation’s Abandoned Mines Branch, recently launched a pilot project that may have far-reaching implications.