Articles for tag: batterydemandfinanceIEAminersprojectsstrugglesurging

April 25, 2024

Ron Finklestien


Miners struggle to finance projects amid surging battery demand — IEA

In its recent Global EV Outlook 2024, IEA highlights the necessity of external sources to support large-scale capital expenditure in mining projects, however miners Albemarle, Core Lithium, Liontown Resources and Pilbara Minerals recently announced project spending reductions, lower dividends, and job cuts. Nickel and cobalt projects in Australia have also been delayed or halted, involving companies like BHP, First Quantum Minerals and Wyloo Metals. In the US, Piedmont Lithium Inc. is letting go of 25% of staff. “Over the 2024-2026 period, we could see progressive consolidation of critical mineralextraction and refining projects and businesses around lowest-cost producers,” said the Agency.