Suncor Energy Set to Trade Ex-Dividend Soon
Quarterly Dividend Announcement and Stock Performance
According to Dividend Channel, Suncor Energy Inc (Symbol: SU) will go ex-dividend on 12/3/24. The company will distribute a quarterly dividend of $0.57, which is payable on 12/24/24. Based on SU’s recent stock price of $39.55, this dividend yield amounts to approximately 1.44%. Consequently, shares of Suncor Energy Inc may open 1.44% lower when trading begins on 12/3/24, assuming no other changes occur.
While dividends can be unpredictable, examining past performance may provide insights into whether Suncor’s latest dividend is sustainable. The current estimated yield of 5.76% on an annualized basis raises the question of whether shareholders can expect similar returns in the future.
The chart below illustrates SU’s one-year performance compared to its 200-day moving average:
Analyzing the stock’s performance, Suncor’s 52-week range highlights a low of $29.45 per share and a high of $41.945, in relation to the recent trading price of $39.71.
As of Friday trading, Suncor Energy Inc shares are holding steady, showing no significant movement for the day.
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Additional Information:
- IFON YTD Return
- GG YTD Return
- LLY Insider Buying
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