William Blair Initiates Coverage of BioAge Labs with Market Perform Rating
On February 28, 2025, William Blair initiated coverage of BioAge Labs (MUN:Y7G) and recommended a Market Perform rating.
Institutional Investment Sentiment
Currently, there are 119 funds and institutions holding positions in BioAge Labs, representing an increase of 45 owners or 60.81% over the last quarter. The average portfolio weight of all funds in Y7G has risen to 0.16%, an increase of 63.44%. Additionally, the total number of shares owned by institutions has grown by 4.11% in the past three months, now totaling 21,663K shares.
Changes Among Major Shareholders
AH Capital Management, L.L.C. holds 3,233K shares, which equates to 9.02% ownership of BioAge Labs. This reflects a growth from its previous holding of 3,014K shares, marking a 6.78% increase. However, the firm’s portfolio allocation to Y7G decreased by 54.41% over the last quarter.
Cormorant Asset Management has increased its holdings to 2,630K shares, now representing 7.34% ownership, up from 1,630K shares, which is a significant 38.03% rise. Nevertheless, the firm also reduced its allocation in Y7G by 53.48% over the last quarter.
Sofinnova Investments remains stable with 2,305K shares, maintaining a 6.43% ownership with no changes reported in the last quarter.
Suvretta Capital Management holds 1,452K shares, accounting for 4.05% ownership. This is a slight decrease from the previous 1,455K shares, signaling a 0.18% decline, and a more substantial 70.40% reduction in their portfolio allocation over the last quarter.
Finally, Tang Capital Management owns 1,318K shares, contributing to a 3.68% ownership of the company.
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This report originally appeared on Fintel.
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