Stock Performance and Market Indicators
In trading on Wednesday, American Water Works Co, Inc. (Symbol: AWK) saw its stock slip into oversold territory, with shares dropping to as low as $125.461 each. This status is identified using the Relative Strength Index (RSI), a technical analysis tool that gauges stock momentum on a scale from 0 to 100. A stock enters oversold territory when its RSI falls below 30.
Currently, American Water Works has an RSI of 29.1. In comparison, other energy stocks have a higher average RSI of 40.6. For context, WTI Crude Oil sits at an RSI of 53.3, Henry Hub Natural Gas stands at 60.9, and the 3-2-1 Crack Spread reports an RSI of 78.2.
For bullish investors, this 29.1 RSI could indicate that the intense sell-off might be coming to an end, creating opportunities for potential buyers to enter the market.
Performance Overview
Examining a year’s worth of data, AWK’s lowest share price in the past 52 weeks is $113.34 while the highest point reached was $150.68. The latest trade was recorded at $125.80, marking a decrease of about 2.6% for the day.
The RSI values mentioned were gathered from
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