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Beating Mr. Market – A Success Story Beating Mr. Market – A Success Story

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This article was coproduced with Chuck Walston.

Nicholas Ward’s recent article, “How I Beat The Market Again In 2023,” has just hit the stands in our Investing Group. As a kindred spirit in the investment world, Nicholas and I share a similar approach to the market.

Contrary to the pessimistic voices, which even include a certain Mr. Buffett, Nicholas and I firmly believe that regular folks can consistently outperform the market.

“My biggest pet peeve when it comes to investing is the constant negativity by the uber-bears, the disheartened traders, the financial advisers or other know-it-all “professionals”, and even to a certain extent, the Bogleheads, who all stand on their collective soapbox together and declare that it’s impossible for the average Joe living on Main Street to beat the market.”

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