HomeMarket NewsThe Path of the Social Security Benefit: A Steadfast Journey for Retired...

The Path of the Social Security Benefit: A Steadfast Journey for Retired Workers of All Ages

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In the realm of Social Security, there lies a treasure trove of valuable information often overlooked by the harried gaze of the populace. A recent report by MassMutual unfurled an unsettling revelation: a significant proportion of individuals aged 55 to 65 displayed a marked deficiency in basic Social Security comprehension. This lackluster understanding teeters on a precarious edge, given that a substantial 90% of retired workers view their regular Social Security payments as an indispensable stream of income, according to Gallup. The implications of these informational chasms are dire, carrying the potential for severe financial ramifications.

Picture this: the diverging roads of claiming Social Security benefits at various ages reveal stark differences in payouts. A bountiful harvest awaits those who delay claiming until age 70, yet statistics paint a different narrative, with around a quarter of new beneficiaries opting to commence benefits at the tender age of 62 in 2022. Conversely, a paltry fraction, less than 10%, inaugurate benefits at the ripe age of 70. This historical trend underscores a pervasive cloud of ignorance enveloping the populace regarding the intricate calculations that dictate Social Security benefits.

Let us now embark on a journey to uncover the average Social Security benefits at different ages, unraveling the mystique that enshrouds the impact of claiming age on payouts.

A Social Security card tucked into a pile of money.

Image source: Getty Images.

Traversing the Landscape: Average Social Security Benefits Across Ages

The Social Security Administration, arbiter of transparency and public enlightenment, regularly divulges anonymized benefit statistics for retired workers. From the troves of statistical data arising from December 2023 springs the average monthly Social Security benefit at different milestone ages.


Average Monthly Retirement Benefit



















Data source: Social Security Administration. Note: Benefit amounts have been rounded to the nearest dollar.

The trajectory of Social Security benefits for retired workers percolates differently based on age groups. This divergence primarily hinges on variances in claiming age, while lifetime earnings also play a pivotal role in shaping the benefits matrix.

Of paramount importance is the focus on average payment figures at ages 62, 66, and 70, for these junctures encapsulate the full spectrum of conceivable outcomes. Precisely, age 62 marks the earliest claimable age, age 70 symbolizes the zenith of sensible claiming, and age 66 forms a midpoint datum for deliberation.

To truly grasp the impact of claiming age on Social Security benefits, one must unravel the intricacies of benefit calculations and the ensuing ramifications.

Charting the Course: The Nexus Between Lifetime Income, Claiming Age, and Social Security Benefits

The wizardry of the Social Security Administration lies in the alchemy of transforming a worker’s lifetime earnings and claiming age into a tangible retirement benefit. This mystical arithmetic unfolds through a fourfold process:

  • Step 1: Income undergoes adjustment to accommodate fluctuations in general wage levels over a worker’s employment tenure.
  • Step 2: The 35 highest-earning years’ adjusted income is transmuted into a monthly average, termed the average indexed monthly earnings (AIME).
  • Step 3: The AIME traverses through a formula to unveil the primary insurance amount (PIA), representing the benefit tied to claiming Social Security at full retirement age (FRA).
  • Step 4: The PIA is subject to adjustments for early or delayed retirement, leading to reduced payouts if claimed pre-FRA and augmented benefits if claimed post-FRA.

However, two caveats hallmark this esoteric process. Firstly, the eligibility for retirement benefits initiates at age 62, barring any claims before. Secondly, the accrual of delayed retirement credits grinds to a halt by age 70, rendering any further delay redundant.

An illuminating chart delineates the nexus between birth year, full retirement age, and the retirement benefit (expressed as a percentage of PIA) bestowed upon claimants at ages 62 and 70. This visual feast showcases the lower and upper thresholds of benefits receivable by retirees in each cohort.

Birth Year

Full Retirement Age

Benefit at Age 62

Benefit at Age 70






66 and 2 months




66 and 4 months




66 and 6 months




66 and 8 months




66 and 10 months



1960 and later




Data source: The Social Security Administration.

This elucidative chart discloses a fundamental truth: the choice of claiming age casts a profound shadow over Social Security benefits.

Take, for instance, retirees born in 1960 or thereafter. Embarking on the entitlement journey at age 70 unfurls a bounty amounting to 124% of their PIA, a stark contrast to the meager 70% attained by claiming at age 62. As aptly phrased by Boston University’s adept professor of economics, Laurence Kotlikoff, “The benefit stands 77% taller, inflation-adjusted, at age 70 than it looms at age 62.”

Amidst this dense thicket of information, a beacon of clarity must shine: while delaying Social Security until age 70 may not suit every retired worker, studies echo a resounding sentiment that maximizing lifetime income often necessitates this prudent delay.

The $22,924 Social Security bonus most retirees completely overlook

If you’re akin to the average American, your retirement savings may trail behind by a few laps. Yet, hidden within the shadows lies a cluster of enigmatic “Social Security secrets,” promising a windfall in retirement income. Consider this: a simple maneuver could potentially bestow an extra $22,924 annually… now, wouldn’t that be a boon worth chasing? Master the art of enhancing your Social Security benefits, and a retirement cushion might be well within your grasp. Delve deeper here to unearth the mysteries behind these strategies.

Explore the “Social Security secrets”

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