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Neumora Therapeutics Under Scrutiny for Alleged Securities Fraud – Consult DJS Law Group to Understand Your Legal Options – NMRA

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Investors of Neumora Therapeutics Under Scrutiny Following Major Stock Drop

The DJS Law Group is now investigating potential claims from investors of Neumora Therapeutics, Inc. (“Neumora” or “the Company”) NMRA due to possible violations of securities laws.

DETAILS OF THE INVESTIGATION: The focus is on whether Neumora issued misleading statements or failed to reveal crucial information to investors. According to a report from Bloomberg on January 2, 2025, the Company’s experimental treatment for depression did not meet expectations during the first of three planned studies. Analysts described the results as “very surprising” and indicative of a “worse-case scenario for the program.” As a direct consequence, Neumora’s stock plummeted by 81.42% on that day.

If you are an affected shareholder, please reach out to us for participation details.

WHY CHOOSE DJS LAW GROUP? DJS Law Group is dedicated to maximizing investor returns through effective legal support and strong representation. We specialize in securities class action lawsuits, corporate governance issues, and domestic and international M&A appraisals. Our clients include some of the largest and most sophisticated hedge funds and asset managers worldwide. The claims our clients pursue represent valuable assets that deserve careful handling and successful outcomes.

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