HomeMarket News"Tesla's Cybertruck Inventory Challenges Persist for Elon Musk's EV Company Despite Incentives"

“Tesla’s Cybertruck Inventory Challenges Persist for Elon Musk’s EV Company Despite Incentives”

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Tesla Struggles to Clear Inventory of Premium Cybertrucks

Current Inventory Status: Tesla Inc.’s TSLA still has foundation series Cybertrucks in its U.S. inventory, despite efforts to attract buyers.

The inventory list currently displays four all-wheel-drive foundation series Cybertrucks, each priced at $99,990.

Back in mid-December, Benzinga reported on the presence of these foundation series Cybertrucks. Following that, Tesla introduced offers like free supercharging for orders placed starting December 27. This promotion, however, is time-sensitive.

Interestingly, a week later, these foundation-series models are still available, and Tesla maintains its free supercharging offer for the initial ownership period. This ongoing availability suggests that buyers may not be as eager to pay a premium for these models as Tesla had hoped.

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Screengrab of Tesla Inventory

Significance of the Foundation Series: The foundation series represents a limited edition of the Cybertruck, featuring laser-etched badges and premium accessories, which come at a higher price point.

For the first several months of sales, Tesla exclusively produced the foundation series Cybertrucks. In October, the company introduced a standard version of the Cybertruck that is about $20,000 less expensive.

The ongoing presence of foundation series trucks in Tesla’s inventory raises questions about customer interest in paying more for the distinctive stainless-steel model.

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