
Tag: market

The Golden Surge: Market Leans Towards June Rate Cut as Gold Hits New Highs

Market Sentiment and Analyst Forecasts Gold prices are on the rise, with experts like Ryan McKay from TD Securities and Phillip Streible from Blue Line Futures predicting further increases. McKay notes that historical patterns suggest room for growth, while Streible echoes the sentiment, stating...

The Dichotomy of Junior Mining: A Revealing Look at Fundraising Data

Kai Hoffman, CEO of Soar Financial, captivated the audience at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference in January. He painted a surprising picture of the junior mining sector, debunking the prevailing pessimism by revealing compelling fundraising data. Despite the prevailing despondency, Hoffman's insights shed...

Merger Talks Spark as Rare Earth Market Fluctuates Merger Talks Spark...

Amidst a volatile rare earth market, both Lynas, based in Western Australia, and MP Materials, operating from California's Mountain Pass, have been grappling with daunting...

Gemfields Unveils the Growing Popularity of Rubies in the Chinese Market Gemfields Unveils the Growing Popularity of Rubies in the Chinese Market

Positive Reception from Chinese Consumers Amidst post-pandemic uncertainties, Chief executive Sean Gilbertson disclosed that the new research reflected an unprecedented demand for rubies as it symbolizes protection, prosperity, and passion. The report unveiled an insatiable thirst for rubies, presenting a unique opportunity for gem...

Canadian Mining Industry Faces Looming Labor Challenge

The report delves into the challenges confronting Canada's mineral exploration labor market. It highlights a stark disparity between labor demand trends and post-secondary education trends in critical occupations such as geoscientists. This disconnection poses a significant hurdle,...

China Cracks Down on Iron Ore Prices in a Move To Maintain Market Health

China, in a surprising twist, revealed on Monday that it had carried out a comprehensive survey on the price indices of various commodities, such as steel, iron ore, and lithium, in a bid to preserve a robust market. The pricing monitoring centre of...